
Ethical Reasoning Problems

In Summer 2023, Cathy Erbes and I designed some problems to introduce Ethical Reasoning to Calculus I as part of the "Normalizing Ethical Reasoning in Mathematics as a Foundation for Ethical STEM'' NSF grant (NSF Award 220423, 2220395, 2220314). In the 2023-24 academic year, we piloted and improved the problems. Here is the current problem set, free to be used and adapted under a CC BY-NC-SA license.

Calculus I Ethical Reasoning Problems.pdf

What classes do I teach?

In Fall 2024, I am teaching Calculus I, Calculus III, Foundations 111, and Probability Theory. Other classes I have taught include:

Georgetown College (Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 2021-present)

University of Nebraska Lincoln (graduate teaching assistant, 2014 - 2021)

Recitation Instructor
